It's trying to recognize and to some degrees feel the same thing another person or being is feeling. This is something of THE definition and if you find another good one, do keep it to yourself because this one is awesome enough for me.
My tip on empathy is to try feel what the person talking and not that of a tree. Unless if you're a Buddhist monk which having a straight poker face seems to mean you have reach a a high state of enlightenment. Do correct me if I'm wrong, my reference on other religion are usually movies.
The sad part of empathy is that you might have a lot of it for other people but others do not have that for you. The trick to not feel too disappointed about this is to, again, be empathic. They don't know what's going on with you, what you had to go through just to say 'hi' and the reason the birthday cake didn't look pretty was because you got into a scuffle with the local mafia while you were on the way from the whatever-it-is-they-call-them-shop-that-sells-cake.Not necessarily true but it does make you feel heroic. Which is always awesome.
Delusional. but awesome.
Back to empathy.
Regardless for other people's level of empathy, consider it a gift and talent you should work on. Feel empathy. Be in other people's shoes. It might be loose and stinky but at least you would understand why he or she sucks and actually sympathize. Anybody having to wear that ugly and stinky shoes just *have to* be sucky. Poor soul.
Have empathy. It's good for you.