Sep 26, 2011

Nilai Ikhlas

I used to work in a company where we had to do more than what is written in the job description. I'm talking about changing office light bulbs, re-building cubicles and, on one occasion, panic when a colleague goes into a fit.

And I'm a programmer. We're not supposed to go physical.

So anyway in one of our less than best tasks, a friend talked about sincerity. He told us a story of a man who came to ask from a well known scholar to pray to Allah for rain. The place is in a drought and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better soon.

"Not from me! but I know a person whom Allah will accept his prayers", said the scholar. And so the scholar brought them to a street sweeper. "There, ask from him."

The person looked dubious. A lowly street sweeper's prayer is better than a scholar's? But he asked the street sweeper to ask for rain anyway. This the sweeper did and not even when he finished his prayers did rain came heavily.

But how could it be so?

"This street sweeper has sincerity in his heart. Sincerity is held high in the sight of Allah.", explained the scholar.

But is sincerity so easily acquired? No it is not. Even the person who intends to be sincere may not have it in his heart.

So train yourself to be sincere. For starts, find out what is true sincerity. It may not be as you thought it is.

Sep 22, 2011


It doesn't really work.

Justice, in the other hand, does.

just not in a way you might expect it to be.

Sep 19, 2011

Qad Kafani

Qad Kafani 

My Lord’s knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
For my du’a and my agonising supplication
is a witness to my poverty.
For this secret (reason) I make supplication
in times of ease and times of difficulty
I am a slave whose pride
is in his poverty and obligation
O my Lord and my King
You know my state
And what has settled in my heart
of agonies and preoccupations
Save me with a gentleness
from You, O Lord of Lords
Oh save me, Most Generous
before I run out of patience (with myself)
My Lord’s knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
O One who is swift in sending aid
I ask for aid that will arrive to me swiftly
It will defeat all difficulty
and it will bring all that I hope for
O Near One Who answers
and All-Knowing and All-Hearing
I have attained realisation through my incapacity,
my submission and my brokenness
My Lord’s knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
I am still standing by the door, so please my Lord
have mercy on my standing
And in the valley of generosity, I am in i’tikaf (solitary retreat)
So, Allah, make my retreat here permanent
And I’m abiding by good opinion (of You)
For it is my friend and ally
And it is the one that sits by me and keeps me company
All day and night
My Lord’s knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing
There is a need in my soul, O Allah
so please fulfil it, O Best of Fulfillers
And comfort my secret and my heart
from its burning and its shrapnel
In pleasure and in happiness
and as long as You are pleased with me
For joy and expansion is my state
and my motto and my cover
My Lord’s knowledge has sufficed me
from asking or choosing

- Imam al-Haddad

Sep 13, 2011

Astro Disc, Your Faith and Oh Bother

Upon receiving another Facebook notification on a topic I wonder why people think so hard on...

and just in case you have to know...

Sep 9, 2011

6% Tax on phone top-ups

Another unpopular move by the govenment announced and FBs are facebuzzing and twitters are twittin how the government is tyranical and suppressing the people.

For a suppressed and suffering people diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure is a pretty odd disease to run rampant.

Prepaid used to cost a lot more in my memory. We paid like  90 cents per minutes in the olden days if my memory serve me right. But of course that's not really a very good arguement. Getting more expensive is getting expensive and somewhere out there a school kid would have to go hungry to talk more to his girlfriend.

People here grumble about satelite tv going up in price. Citing people are , again, made to suffer. The poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer.

I pity the poor who choose to suffer Aznil Ibn Haji Nawawi and Sinetron. Just as much as I pity the poor who couldn't feed himself because he mistaken cigarettes as a necessary diet.

I believe the government needs an overhaul. I also believe the people is in need of a fix in the mindset. And the later is more important.

Wake up, people... we still have problems with our public toilet! and that's been like forever!!

p/s: the toilet came up because someone said... all things gets taxed. toilets are next. so this is a tribute to that person even if he doesn't know it. thank you.

Sep 6, 2011

Odd Eye

I watched Temple Grandin last night and it was not a regret.

I am always interested in hearing about how people succeed and the things they go through to reach there. Temple Grandin puts that in another perspective for me. She has a hard time going through doors and that is used visually to represent the challenges she has to overcome.

The treatment of the cowboys to her and her designs were also something anyone can relate to. Having an idea, trying to get that idea through people's head and keeping that idea in one piece after. That's a work out.

People who present ideas are brave. We are afraid of rejections and the idea of getting your ideas rejected or ridiculed has put off many people. Temple Grandin, being autistic, did not seem to have this fear and could withstand the onslaught of people longer in the field rebuking her ideas.

Point of story... be brave. you might comfort some cows being so.

The Hello You Post

yes, world. you may rejoice.

Just don't forget to clean up after.