And I'm a programmer. We're not supposed to go physical.
So anyway in one of our less than best tasks, a friend talked about sincerity. He told us a story of a man who came to ask from a well known scholar to pray to Allah for rain. The place is in a drought and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better soon.
"Not from me! but I know a person whom Allah will accept his prayers", said the scholar. And so the scholar brought them to a street sweeper. "There, ask from him."
The person looked dubious. A lowly street sweeper's prayer is better than a scholar's? But he asked the street sweeper to ask for rain anyway. This the sweeper did and not even when he finished his prayers did rain came heavily.
But how could it be so?
"This street sweeper has sincerity in his heart. Sincerity is held high in the sight of Allah.", explained the scholar.
But is sincerity so easily acquired? No it is not. Even the person who intends to be sincere may not have it in his heart.
So train yourself to be sincere. For starts, find out what is true sincerity. It may not be as you thought it is.