Sep 6, 2011

Odd Eye

I watched Temple Grandin last night and it was not a regret.

I am always interested in hearing about how people succeed and the things they go through to reach there. Temple Grandin puts that in another perspective for me. She has a hard time going through doors and that is used visually to represent the challenges she has to overcome.

The treatment of the cowboys to her and her designs were also something anyone can relate to. Having an idea, trying to get that idea through people's head and keeping that idea in one piece after. That's a work out.

People who present ideas are brave. We are afraid of rejections and the idea of getting your ideas rejected or ridiculed has put off many people. Temple Grandin, being autistic, did not seem to have this fear and could withstand the onslaught of people longer in the field rebuking her ideas.

Point of story... be brave. you might comfort some cows being so.

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try to have a little bit of that uncommon common sense when u comment.

oh screw that. write anything.